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How Does Your Surgeon Position You During Your Shoulder Arthroscopy and Does It Matter?
Lateral and beach chair positions are both used for shoulder arthroscopy, each with its own advantages and considerations. Each surgeon has their preference mainly by where they were trained and what they are comfortable with for surgery. Here’s...by
Dr. Charles Ruotolo, M.D.August 12, 2024
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Radiofrequency Ablation
Radiofrequency Ablation Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a procedure used to reduce pain by using radiofrequency heat to target specific nerves or tissues. Here are some common reasons why RFA might be recommended: Chronic Pain Management: RFA...by
Dr. Charles Ruotolo, M.D.July 1, 2024
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Common Ski Injuries to the Knee
Common Ski Injuries to the Knee Skiing, like any sport, carries the risk of injury, with knee injuries being among the most common due to the high demands placed on the knees during skiing. Some of the most common knee injuries in skiing...by
Dr. Charles Ruotolo, M.D.February 20, 2024
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Is My Pain Coming From My Shoulder Or From My Neck?
Determining whether the pain in your shoulder is originating from your shoulder itself or your neck can be challenging because the two areas are closely connected and share nerve pathways. However, there are some signs and methods you can use to help differentiate between shoulder pain and neck...by
Dr. Charles Ruotolo, M.D.January 15, 2024
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Recurrent Rotator Cuff Tear Treatment Options
Recurrent rotator cuff tears can be challenging to manage, and treatment options may vary depending on the specific case and the patient’s overall health. Revision surgery for recurrent rotator cuff tears can have a failure rate as high as 75%. Here are some of the treatment options that...by
Dr. Charles Ruotolo, M.D.December 19, 2023
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Cervical Stenosis
Cervical Stenosis Cervical stenosis is a medical condition that refers to the narrowing of the spinal canal in the neck (cervical spine). This narrowing can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots, potentially causing various symptoms and complications. Cervical stenosis can be...by
Dr. Charles Ruotolo, M.D.December 12, 2023
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Posterior Cruciate Ligament Tears
Posterior Cruciate Ligament Tears A posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) tear is a knee injury that occurs when the PCL, one of the major ligaments in the knee, is stretched or torn. The PCL is a strong band of tissue that connects the femur (thighbone) to the tibia (shinbone) within the knee...by
Dr. Charles Ruotolo, M.D.December 12, 2023
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Long Head Biceps Tendon Tear
Long Head Biceps Tendon Tear A long head biceps tendon tear, also known as a biceps tendon tear or a proximal biceps tendon tear, occurs when the long head of the biceps tendon, which attaches to the shoulder joint, becomes partially or completely torn. The long head of the biceps tendon is...by
Dr. Charles Ruotolo, M.D.November 13, 2023
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Viscosupplementation or “gel injections” is a medical procedure in which a gel-like substance, primarilyhyaluronic acid (HA), is injected directly into a joint space to provide lubrication and potentiallystimulate the joint to produce its own natural hyaluronic acid. This procedure is most...by
Dr. Charles Ruotolo, M.D.September 11, 2023
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What is Breece Hall’s Chance of Returning to His Same Level of Play
As the season starts Jet fans are all excited to see Breece Hall suite up again especially in their new high powered offense. Breece started off last year on a tear before his ACL injury in midseason. As he returns to the field what are the chances that he will return back to his same level...by
Dr. Charles Ruotolo, M.D.August 28, 2023