David Benatar, M.D.
Specializing in Spine Surgery
Specializes in orthopedic needs for the adult neck and back, non-operative Spine Surgeon.
Our Locations

Specializes in orthopedic needs for the adult neck and back, non-operative Spine Surgeon.
1995 – 1998
Florida Spine Institute, FL
Fellowship in orthopedic Spinal Surgery involving conservative and operative treatment of most spinal pathology.
1989 – 1995
State University of New York – Health Science Center at Brooklyn
Kings County Hospital Center, Orthopedic Surgery, NY
1985 – 1989
State University of New York – Health Science Center at Brooklyn, NY
1981 – 1985
Haverford College, Haverford, PA
Reduction in Postoperative Infections in Instrumented Lumbar Fusions, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 02/1997, a platform presentation, J.S. Tharp, D.O., D.J. Weiland, MD, D.A. Benatar, MD et al
Unilateral versus Bilateral Lumbar Spine Plating, State of the Art Spine, 09/1996 (10:3), D.A. Benatar, MD and D.J. Weiland, MD Participated in
Subaxial Lateral Mass Screw Placement – Anatomic Guide to Fixation, American Spinal Injury Association, 05/1995, platform presentation
Occipital Morphology, a Guide to Fixation, Cervical Spine Research Society, 11/1994, poster
Computerized Motion Diagnostic Imaging, an Aid to Assessment, National Academy of Pain Medicine, 06/1994, poster
Computerized Motion Diagnostic Imaging, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, 02/1994, poster
Neck and Back Care, presented to Oncogene Science on 05/21/1997 and Dupont Merck Pharmaceuticals on 05/27/1997 and 06/10/1997
American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, American Medical Association, Medical Society of the State of New York, Nassau County Medical Society, Long Island Spine Club, Fellowship in American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
Board Certified
American Board of Orthopedic Surgery