Sports Injury2 Min Read
What Orthopedic Injuries Are You At Risk For Snowboarding?
Orthopedic Injuries in Snowboarding Snowboarders are prone to several orthopedic injuries, with some of the most common ones including: Wrist Fractures and Sprains: Falling forward while snowboarding can lead to wrist injuries, including fractures or sprains. Wrist guards
Dr. Charles Ruotolo, M.D.January 15, 2024
Uncategorized3 Min Read
Is My Pain Coming From My Shoulder Or From My Neck?
Determining whether the pain in your shoulder is originating from your shoulder itself or your neck can be challenging because the two areas are closely connected and share nerve pathways. However, there are some signs and methods you can use to help differentiate between shoulder pain and
Dr. Charles Ruotolo, M.D.January 15, 2024