Clavicle Fractures: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments
Clavicle fractures are a common fracture sustained by patients in all population groups. Because the clavicle plays an important role in connecting the arm to the body, treating it when it’s fractured is important. Common causes, symptoms, and treatments for clavicle fractures are: Causes
Total OrthopedicsJune 28, 2017
Knee Pain 101: What is a Bone Spur? And How Do I Know If I Have One?
Knee Pain What is a Bone Spur? And How Do I Know if I Have One? Most people have heard of a bone spur (or osteophyte). But, they don’t know exactly what it is – or how to tell if they have one. If you’re curious, here’s everything you need to know: Osteoarthritis and Bone
Total OrthopedicsJune 28, 2017